Hello dear readers. Thank you to all who stuck with me through this very long and boring season. I especially like all the readers who took the time to comment. It’s always nice to hear that your thoughts are appreciated and I appreciate those who did that for me. Special thanks goes out to Sally O. and her weekly comments! Who are the Belk buying office girls? It’s always nice to know where your readers are located and how they found the blog to begin with. So even if you don’t want to comment on my “recap” please feel free to let me know where you are located and how you came across my blog. Thanks!
I am also apologizing in advance at how short this column will be this week. I’ve had the flu the last few days and it’s taken just about all my strength to even watch the show, let alone write about it. It’s a painful thing to do on a good day; add in a 102 degree fever, chills, and terrible cough and it makes a daunting task even more unbearable.
There will not be a recap next week. I always give myself the night off for the last episode of the season and just watch the show with my friends. They get to hear my snarky comments first hand. If you live in the Toledo area and want to join our group, just let me know!
And the last order of business before getting to the Women Tell All is Ben. Over the season I’ve looked at him and he’s reminded me of several different people. Here is the list I’ve generated. Please let me know which one you think best describes him or add another one I might have missed.
- Alfalfa from the Little Rascals
- A young Orville Redenbacher
- Colonel Sanders
- Josh Groban
- Crosby (Dax Shepard) from Parenthood
- Francine from the Arthur series
Leave your vote in the comment section. I am leaning towards Francine. Go ahead and look her up. Next time you see Ben you will see Francine. Disturbing actually.
Ok, moving on to the WTA. Since I’m feeling under the weather and let’s face it- this season has been draining, I decided to do something a little different with this week’s recap. Instead of giving you a blow by blow of all the stuff that happened, I’m just going to list the top 10 things I noticed. Here goes!
WTA Top 10:
1.) CH enters and the crowd goes wild! Everyone stands up to applaud his beautiful eyes, impeccable style, his cushy job, and his ability to do said job with a straight face. The crowd consists of about 400 women. And one man. That guy’s wife owes his BIG time. Not only did he come to the taping, he even opened his mouth in faux shock when CH announced that Courtney would make an appearance.
2.) CH plays clips of lots of drama and lets the ladies go at it (and each other) while just sitting back and watching it all. What an easy job! Then he turns to Brittney (where was her granny?) and asks if the girl drama is what caused her to leave.
Brittney: “Um no. I just felt no connection to Ben what so ever. I wasn’t attracted to him in the least!” Yay Brittney!
3.) CH says with a straight face that America hasn’t been able to stop buzzing about Shawntel. Um.... who’s Shawntel? The mortician (or as CH calls her- the embalmer) comes out and once again the rest of the girls get their panties in a knot over her. Uh, girls- he didn’t pick her. But don’t worry- he didn’t pick any of you either!
4.) Watching flashbacks of all the girls tell Ben they are in love with him and for Ben to respond to everyone of them with “Really?”
5.) I LOVE watching the girls discuss Courtney. It was even better to watch their faces when CH tells them Courtney is there. CH tells Courtney “These girls are understandably pissed at you.” I heart CH!
6.) Courtney looks into the lights in order to produce tears in her eyes as the rest of the ladies tear her a new one. It is interesting to watch someone try to cry when their face doesn’t move.
7.) Ben arrives wearing an all gray suit. Hey, I didn’t know he likes gray! He sits next to CH squirming while not really answering any of the women’s questions. He’s a master of aversion.
8.) Jamie tells Ben that she still thinks he’s fab and that if it doesn’t work out with whoever he ends up with to call her. She’ll give him more kissing lessons and lap dances anytime. (I was scared for a second she was going to do another lap dance right then and there). Unfortunately, this move did not help her image at all. It just makes me even more embarrassed for her than I already was.
9.) I love the out takes! Why they only show 2 minutes of them each season is beyond me. You know they have HOURS of bloopers. I think they should scrap the whole WTA and just do a blooper show. Ben got attacked by a bird. A cow almost ate the cameraman and then Courtney. These things should be celebrated!
10.) CH tells the camera that next week Ben will choose his wife. He does this with a completely straight face. That man earns his paycheck fair and square.
So those are my favorite moments from last night’s trainwreck. What did I forget? What did you like best? Leave your thoughts in the comment section and enjoy the finale next week. Remember, no recap from me. Thanks again for sticking with me through this hot mess. See ya all next season!