Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brad Episode 4 Recap

Welcome back to the most boring episode of the season! After ten minutes of previews for the night, we are treated to Crazy Michelle waking up with a black eye. She doesn’t know how it happened. I think the cameraman that was forced to record her every move got sick of her shit after two minutes and punched her to shut her up. It clearly didn’t work.

CH shows up in his Jonas Brothers plaid t-shirt and my Old Navy gray cardigan sweater to explain the dates for the week. Then he drops the date card on the coffee table and makes like a bird and flocks off.

1st date: “How Deep Is Your Love?” for Chantal. Brad picks her up in a “surprise” helicopter. ABC has never done that before! As soon as they are in the helicopter alone, Brad explains the date card of “How deep is your love?” Then he asks her to open her mouth so she can show him. Just kidding! They really switch helicopters and head to Catalina Island to go SCUBA diving. They take off their winter coats to put on wet suits and helmets that look strangely like the motorcycle helmet Jake wore. They climb down into 20 Thousand Leagues Under The Sea to get tangled up in some seaweed and “kiss” through their space helmets. I take a big gulp of my wine and wonder how I’m gonna get through the next 2 hours of this.

Chantal and Brad dry off and go to a tent on the beach where Brad pours some wine. I wish he could fill my wine glass again too. Then they lay down on the futon my parents had in their basement when I was in high school and discuss marriage. Chantal tells Brad she likes him a lot. Brad tells her he likes her a lot too. Chantal apologizes for fake slapping him the first night when she got out of the limo. Brad thanks her and gives her the date rose. It pours down rain on them while they make out.

2nd date: “Let’s Put Our Love On The Line” for Ashley S., Stacey, Lindsay, Britt, Meghan, Alli, Lisa, Ashley H., and Jackie. The 453 girls climb into the biggest stretch Hummer ever for a group date. They are all wearing scarves that some company must have provided for them for product placement. That or the producers thought they might need them for a noose after being on the group date. They all toast each other with mimosas before the back stabbing starts and head off to meet Brad at Dr. Drew’s radio show for a little therapy they all desperately need. I wonder if Dr. Jamie is jealous that Brad is seeing someone else.

Dr. Drew gives all the girls some liquor to get them to open up. Stacey (who is she?) admits that in college, she cheated. Brad pretends that he is impressed with her honesty but really he’s making a mental note for CH to give her the boot at the next rose ceremony. Ashley H. admits that she feels herself pulling back because she doesn't know how Brad is feeling. He tells her not to do that because it will be the biggest regret. Even bigger than not picking the final two girls Brad? Some blond I’ve never seen before admits she has feelings for Brad. Brad admits he doesn’t know who she is either. I admit that although Brad is still hot, he’s awfully greasy looking on this date and that I’m getting bored. I hit fast forward and think about how great a DVR is!

After Dr. Drew’s show, Brad takes the girls to some roof top pool. Again. It must be really cold because Brad and some of the girls wear sweaters and scarves in the hot tub.

Stacey (who is she?) steals Brad away from the group while Ashley H. starts her race for crazy. Then Ashley S. steals Brad from Alli, Jackie steals him for Ashley. My head is spinning.

Britt gets some alone time with Brad and her heart shaped earrings and 1983 blush and tells him she has a crush on him. He thanks her and kisses her while Ashley H. stands in the shadows and watches while self destructing.

The date finally comes to an end and Brad gives the rose to the pool boy who made the hot tub make the strange gurgling noises. Then the producers allow Brad to give Britt a rose too.

3rd date: “Let’s Hang Out Together” for Crazy Michelle. Brad comes to pick her up for their date but first he pulls Ashley H. outside for some alone time. Crazy Michelle looks like she is about to kill someone until Brad comes back in and she yanks his arm out of the socket. A helicopter (really? again?) picks them up to drop them off on the top of a really tall building. Crazy Michelle obviously admitted her fear of heights in her interview to be on the show because the producers want these two to repel down the building. I still think Michelle is crazy but I do understand her fear. There is NO way I’d do that. She agrees to do it but I don’t think that was repelling. Looked to me like they sat in their harnesses while the 90 men on the roof slowly lowered them down. Once they get down, Brad jumps into the pool with all his clothes on and spends the rest of the date thanking Michelle for being there. She tells him being there is the best thing she’s ever done. Yeah, hope her daughter that she gave birth to doesn’t watch it. I guess if she does, Brad can always give her the name of his great therapist. Something tells me Michelle’s daughter is gonna need one no matter what. She gets the rose.

Before Brad can go into another rose ceremony, he needs another session with Dr. Jamie. The good doc comes over to Brad’s place and to tell him to go ahead and kiss all the girls. Then he starts to sing “King of Wishful Thinking.”

CH, needing to earn his paycheck now that Dr. Jamie is doing his job of having a sit-down with Brad, hoses off the driveway for the cocktail party. The girls sit around drinking while waiting for Brad to show up.

I’m so bored by this show by this point that this is what I wrote down for this segment:
*Brad pulls Emily outside for a “picnic” on the hard, wet driveway. All the other girls get immensely jealous.
*Chantal and her car door ears get especially jealous of the alone time he’s spending with Emily.
*CH arrives with his champagne glass of doom. Chantal, Britt, and Crazy Michelle already have roses. The other 39 roses of the night go to Ashley S., Alli, Emily, Shawntel, Lisa (?), Jackie, Marrisa (?), and Ashley H.

Lindsay leaves saying her daddy will be proud. Meghan and her curtain dress leave with class. Stacey realizes too late that she should have kept her mouth shut about cheating on her boyfriend.

And that’s where we are after 8 long hours of this season. Who will take the final rose? Who even cares at this point? As Brad would say, “Thank you very much for reading.” See ya next week!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brad Episode 3 Recap

CH opens this episode of The Bachelor by inviting the 492 remaining girls to meet him in the living room of the mansion to discuss how he’s matched his eye, shirt, and wall color exactly. They also talk about how the “journey” is just going to get harder. He leaves the date card on the table and makes like a drum and beats it.

First date is for Ashley S. “Let’s Find Our Love Song.” Brad arrives to pick her up while Crazy Michelle starts boiling the water for the bunny. Brad and Ashley S. head to a recording studio wearing their church carnival bright green beer bracelets to record a Seal song. They screech their way through the song. I do what I always do when I’m really uncomfortable and take a big gulp of my Pino Grigo. Thankfully, before I get loaded, Seal shows up to show them how it’s done.

At this point in the show I start wondering when Brad became such a bore. I liked him better when he was leaving both girls at the Final Rose Ceremony alter. And I also decided this date needed more alcohol. I realize I can’t help poor boring Brad and Ashley S. out but I knew I had more wine in my fridge so off I went.

The pair goes up to the roof of some building for some wine and whine. They share their daddy issues with one another. The producers have given these girls great scripts to follow this season. And what an easy theme- tell Brad you have problems with your father and he will be butter in your hands.

Ashley S.: “My daddy sang that Seal song to me all the time when I was little. Then he died.”
Brad: “My daddy left me too. Bastards!”
Ashley S. (sobbing): “But my daddy died!”
Brad: “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I know you’re up set but I’m just gonna sit over here and not comfort or hug you while you sit alone over there and cry about your dead dad.” Smells rose like a creep and then gives it to her to get her to stop crying.

Next date card: “Love Hurts.” For: Lindsay, Shawntel, Alli, Britt, Kimberly, Sarah, Chantal, Ashley H., Lisa, Stacey, Marrisa, and Crazy Michelle.

Crazy Michelle is mad that she has another group date. But it’s not even her birthday so what can she do about it? Oh that’s right! She can plot her evil revenge and plan how to kill off each of the other remaining 458 girls left. They all pile into the prison work van to go film a horror movie with Brad. All the girls pretend to be “scared” while Brad pretends to “act” and “fight” bad guys.

The girls all fantasize about kissing Brad. Except for Crazy Michelle. She fantasizes about killing the other girls and burying their bodies in the desert. I fantasized about this show going back to being only an hour.

The roof top party begins and Chantal, having just read the script from the producers, pulls Brad aside to tell him about her dad not being there for her. Brad starts to cry. Because his dad was never there for him either. Did you know?

Crazy Michelle steals Brad away from Alli to berate him for not paying enough attention to her. In the same breath, she talks about missing her daughter she left with a stranger for 6 weeks to come meet her husband. Talk about not paying enough attention to someone! Brad finally kisses her. He’s either really into nuts or he just wanted to shut her up!

Brad finally gives the date rose to Shawntel because she’s a good fake fighter while filming fake action movies.

Next date, “Love Is Intoxicating,” is for Emily. I’m guessing they are going to go get drunk. So basically it’s like every other date on this show ever.

Brad surprises Emily with a private airplane ride down memory lane to the day her fiancee and baby daddy died in a plane crash. He takes her to wine country in hopes of getting her liquored up enough to talk. Or at least put out.

Over dinner, Debbie Downer shares her tragic story that even made me cry! Maybe if she wasn’t so damn HOT I wouldn’t feel so bad. Brad is blown away. By both how hot she is and by her terribly sad and shocking story.

Brad: “Are you ok?”
Emily: “Um hmm. Are you?”
Brad: “Are you kidding me? I’m great! My fiancee didn’t die in a plane crash! Tell me more about your tragic past to make me leaving both Jenni and DeAnna without a rose last time pale in comparison. While you start, I’m gonna grab this rose to give you.”

Oh no! Brad is alone in his house and the therapist arrives for a date with Brad! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!!!!!!!!! At first I thought Brad invited him there to introduce him to Emily who surely needs therapy after her tragic past. But instead we get to witness one of Brad’s sessions with the genius who cured him. The therapist defines words for Brad like “vulnerable” and “journey” and “douche bag.” I had to fast forward through the rest of this segment. It was just too uncomfortable to watch. I began to feel like I needed therapy. And who is this guy? Trying to take over CH’s job of having a sit-down with the bachelor before a cocktail party/rose ceremony. And wearing a bright blue shirt? Poser!

Finally the cocktail party arrives and so does Brad, fresh from his “therapy” session with gay Jamie. He’s ready to get rid of three women and narrow the playing field down to just 94 girls.

But first, Crazy Michelle steals Brad away from Chantal to tell him they’re in a fight. The voices in her head told her so. And because he kissed someone else. Apparently, she’s never watched The Bachelor before. For some reason (maybe because Brad’s crazy too or maybe because he’s afraid of being killed with the other 562 girls) he claims he likes this bat shit crazy girl.

Madison finds Brad to tell him that after hearing Emily’s sob story she’s realized that she needs to go back to Forks, Washington before the Volturi come for her. She can’t put Brad or the other girls at risk anymore. And she’s also just realized that Brad is neither a vampire nor a werewolf so she needs to go.

CH finally arrives with his plastic spoon and champagne glass of doom to save Brad from the room full of estrogen.

Ashley S., Shawntel, and Emily already have roses. Brad gives another one to Crazy Michelle and Chantal before Madison runs out of the room to suck the blood of the cameraman. Brad pretends to chase after her but really goes to find Jamie for another session. When he returns, he passes out the remaining 76 roses to Lisa (who is she? Have we heard her talk? Or seen her at all before?), Jackie, Ashley H., Marrisa, Britt, Alli, Lindsay, Meghan, and Stacey. So besides Madison, Kimberly and Sarah go home as well.

So that’s where we end up. Anyone else bothered by the fact that we are three weeks in and Brad still has more girls left than most bachelors start off with? Who is gonna win the race for crazy? Looks like Ashley H. is closing in on Crazy Michelle. What are your predictions?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tonight’s show opens with Brad walking around barefoot in the grass, talking about how he’s a different person than he was three years ago. He can now even walk on sharp, painful rocks without shoes on due to intense therapy. It does “amazing” things!

CH gathers the 57 remaining girls in the living room of the mansion that has freshly painted bright blue walls. I guess the ABC intern had to put a fresh coat of paint on them after Dave and Natalie spent time alone in there with a bottle of Jack. CH tells the girls that not everyone will get a date each week and to use all time with Brad wisely. Show some leg. Show some cleavage. Slip him the tongue whenever possible. Then he slips the first date card on the table and makes like a tree and leaves as the girls all scream like they’ve never seen this show before and didn’t know it was coming.

1st Date: “The Road to Love Is A Wild Ride!” for Ashely H. She’s “amazed” that he picked her and she can’t wait to clean his teeth!

Brad picks H. up. She obviously forgot to pack clothes so the other girls have wrapped her in aluminum foil and tissue paper and tied a giant bow around her waist. Brad drives H. to a dirt road and stops the car to tell her the story of the kids who ran out of gas on that very road. The guy went to get some and when he was gone it started to rain really hard. The girl stayed in the car until morning when she got out and saw her boyfriend hanging dead from the tree about the car. It hadn’t rained after all- that was his blood pouring down on the car! Just kidding! That isn’t what really happened. It’s really a creepy carnival from the movie Big. They visit Zelda first and ask to be in a real relationship. The next morning Brad wakes up as Tom Hanks.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the girls’ slumber party in their panties is interrupted by the ABC intern delivering the next date card: “Let’s Share Something From the Heart.” This date is for Keltie, Shawntel, Madison, Melissa, Kimberly, Marissa, Raichel, Britt, Meghan, Emily, Stacey, Alli, Chantal, Michelle, and Lisa. I’m pretty sure some of those girls were not even there the first night.

Back on the date, Brad and H. share some cotton candy in the photo booth before she scores the first kiss and the fact that Daddy was never there for her. Brad about creams himself upon hearing this news because guess what- his dad wasn’t ever there for him either! He gives H. the rose and they make out some more.

Date 2 begins and Melissa and her Tori Spelling boob job worry about finding a connection with Brad. The limo pulls up to a blood drive and Madison’s skin starts to sparkle as she drools with anticipation! Michelle and her dinner plate earrings is annoyed by the date and having to share Brad with 47 other girls. And it’s her BIRTHDAY! Her 30th b-day no less and she isn’t feeling special.

Continuing with the theme of Michelle being pissed about the date and having to share Brad on her b-day, she is T.O.ed that Britt gets to kiss Brad in a scripted scene the Red Cross put together and stomps off to sulk. Because it’s her birthday! She can cry if she wants to. No one notices she left. No one cares. But the ABC intern makes Brad go talk to her. He recognizes crazy when he sees it and is looking for a promotion! Brad tells Michelle to stop her crying because they’re going to go have some “clean fun without any kissing.” They all head up to the roof of the Roosevelt hotel for drinks and baths. You know, cause it’s “clean” fun.

The group date rose goes to Crazy Michelle (which she will now be called because she’s crazy!) because it’s her birthday. That and the fact that Brad is afraid of her killing him while he sleeps if he doesn't.

Back at the mansion, the 3rd date card arrives for Jackie: “Let’s Get Our Love on Track.” This means that Lindsay, Sarah, and Ashley S. do not get a date this week.

Jackie’s date arrives and Brad takes her to Rodeo Drive for the Pretty Woman date of the season. Jackie has her pick of about 50 beautiful dresses but she chooses the ugliest, most old fashioned one. Brad lies and tells her she’s beautiful and adorns her with jewels from Neil Lane so they can fulfill their sponsor contract. The pair hops in Brad’s mom’s Ford Taurus to drink champagne while she drives the two to senior prom at the Hollywood Bowl where Train is preforming. Man, that band has a thing with ABC reality shows! Brad gives Jackie the rose at the end of the date even though he feels she has commitment issues that scare him.

While all this was happening, Emily was back at the mansion pimping out her daughter on national TV to try to get a rose. She misses her daughter and loves her so much. In fact, she loves her so much she’s left her for weeks on end to go find a new daddy for her on a reality dating show. By the way, other than the fact that this girl is on this show, she seems so normal. She’s also freaking beautiful! Why can’t she find little Ricki a new Daddy like a normal person would? Or at least at the bar down the street from home?

The cocktail party before the rose ceremony finally arrives and it is a good thing. My DVR is caught up and I can’t handle not being able to fast forward. Two minutes into the party, Crazy Michelle with her rose steals Brad away to ask him if he prefers Starbucks or the Coffee Bean. I had to pause here to wonder what the Coffee Bean is and why we don’t have one in northwest Ohio. Brad had to pause to wonder why he gave her a rose and if he could take it back. One look from CH hiding in the shadows shaking his head no confirms to Brad that he is stuck with this lunatic one more week.

While Crazy Michelle is quizzing Brad on the contents of his fridge, Melissa and her hard-on for Raichel tracks Raichel down and starts another fight. Raichel tries to get the other girls on her side. They quickly realize they want no part of that sinking ship. Melissa and her Tori Spelling boobs start calling everyone a psycho. Except for Madison. She doesn't want her blood sucked so she kisses up to the vampire. Then she goes to find Brad and tattle to him. Brad looks so uncomfortable during their convo, like he’d rather be anywhere else. But because he’s a gentleman and ABC doesn’t want him to look like an ass again, they make him go talk to Raichel about it.

CH arrives to stir up the otherwise lame party with Ali and Roberto to help Brad figure out who is there for the right reasons and who is there to land the summer 2011 season of the Bachelorette role. Because you know- Ali is a great judge of character! Just look at how she thought Jake was great. Oh wait... Well how about Frank? Oh yeah, that didn’t work out so great either. Hmmm.... moving on!

By the way, it was nice to see that someone finally cut off Ali’s awful hair extensions. But why couldn’t the producers find a suit that fit poor Robby better than the tight one he wore to the final rose ceremony last season?

The pair talks to the girls and then Brad sits down with the fame seekers looking to extend their 15 minutes and decides to give the “Ali and Roberto like you” rose to Emily.

At last CH enters with his champagne glass of doom.

CH: “Ladies, Brad... it’s time for me to show off my counting skills. Brad, please come with me so we can make fun of the three girls you’re gonna eliminate.”

Brad reemerges from the chat with CH and makes a speech about feeling closer to these “amazing” women than he did with anyone after spending a month with them the last time he was on this show.

Ashely H., Crazy Michelle, Jackie, and Emily already have roses. The other 98 roses for the night go to Chantal, Sarah (who the hell is she?), Alli, Kimberly, Shawntel, Stacey, Ashley S., Madison, Lisa, Marissa, Meghan, Lindsay, and Britt. That means that going home is Keltie, Melissa, and Raichel who cries on the way out because her dress is too short and too tight and her boobs are about to pop out!

So that’s where we stand after week two of round two. What are your thoughts? Discuss in the comments section and I will be back next week!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Brad Episode 1 Recap

The Bachelor opens with a new profile picture of a man standing on a beach alone. Foreshadowing? Immediately the camera cuts away to a shot of the mansion, freshly hosed down for the man himself: Chris Harrison!

CH: “Welcome to the most shocking season ever! Well except for last season. Oh yeah, and the one a few seasons before that.”

Then we hear Brad’s voice over while seeing footage of him sending both DeAnna and Jenny packing three years ago. According to Brad now (after years of intense therapy), he knew the minute he shut the limo door on DeAnna’a fat ass that he’s made a huge mistake. Even though two months after that at the filming of the After The Final Rose, Brad insisted he’d done the right thing. Then we see Brad sitting alone in his apartment, watching reruns on his VCR of the final episode from his first season and crying, all while wearing a leather bracelet I had when I was in 4th grade after returning from a family vacation to Hilton Head.

Wait a minute ABC! Where is the footage of hot Brad showering? Where is the footage of hot Brad running shirtless on a beach? Of him working out half naked? If I wanted to watch a guy cry alone in the rain I would have rented Sleepless In Seattle. Unfortunately, I have to sit through 25 more minutes of Brad crying while looking at ponds and leaning over balconies before we finally see the goods! Jogging shirtless! Playing with kids ABC paid to pretend to be his family. Swimming! Climbing a mountain confidently! Doing push-ups! Jumping rope! This is the Bachelor we all love! I was afraid for a minute that I’d accidentally DVRed a Pamprin commercial instead.

And now, after 45 minutes of Brad rehashing every therapy session, we finally get to meet some of the crazies!

Ashley H.- dentist/mouth artist. Seriously her words. She also calls herself a “dancer” which means she likes to whip her hair around half naked in her apartment. Crazy meter: 6.

Shawntel: funeral director who talks about dying with the bachelor before she’s even met him. Crazy meter: 7.

Ashley S.- sweet girl who’s ready for love. Any self-proclaimed sweet girl is usually a bitch. Or crazy. Or both. Crazy meter: 9.

Chantal: car salesman for her daddy. She’ll be selling a story to the bachelor that will go something like this “The other girls are not here for the right reasons. I get 20 miles to the gallon if you know what I mean.” Bitch meter: 8.

Michelle: single mom who asks her 3 year old to help her find a new daddy. Crazy meter: 6- she’ll be gone by the end of episode 2.

Raichel: man-scaper. That alone screams crazy! Oh yeah and she has huge boobs!

Meghan: “works in fashion”= sales girl at retail store for minimum wage at the mall.

Madison: model/vampire. Crazy meter: off the freaking charts! By the way, is she wearing fangs?!?

Emily: married Ricky at age 19 and they loved each other till the day he died in a tragic plane crash. Two days later, she found out she was pregnant. She’s still in love with her dead husband. She will go far but she won’t win it.

Chris Harrison comes back to tell us these women have no clue that Brad is the Bachelor.

CH: “I know you already know this because they keep saying things like ‘mystery bachelor’ and ‘I don’t know who it is!’ That is thanks to our trusty ABC intern and his handy dandy scripts he’s provided for the girls that know how to read. Let’s see what happens when the girls find out it’s Brad! But before then, I want to sit down with the man himself to have a chat. I want to practice my acting skills so let’s see if you think I still hate this guy like the last time ABC made me talk to him at the After the Final Rose ceremony three years ago.”

Brad and Ch sit down. Brad blames his dad for everything. CH pretends to listen. I pretend to care.

The ABC intern parades in DeAnna and Jenny. Brad craps his pants.

Jenny: “Chris, why are we here again? I’m married. I don’t care anymore.”

DeAnna: “Yeah, me too. It’s obvious I don’t care by the 20 pounds I’ve gained in the last 3 years. And where is the free booze we were promised? I remember there being a lot more alcohol in this mansion! And I said I’d only do this if you paid for my wedding to Stagliono. Are you guys still gonna do that? I want it aired on prime time too!”

CH: “Girls, just sit there with your legs crossed. If it helps you feel better about yourself, put your left hand with the giant bling on your knee so everyone knows you’re now taken. And intern, bring some Ketel One for everyone. I could sure use a stiff one myself. We’re only 25 minutes into the first episode for pete’s sake! Better make mine a double.”

These four rehash the season from three years ago. It’s hard for me to listen. Why does anyone care about how Jenny and DeAnna feel about Brad being the bachelor again? I fast forward...

The limos are finally arriving! I’ve lost so much interest so here are my thoughts on only the memorable ones:

Chantal: slaps Brad.

Nanny Ashley: grabs Brad’s butt

Meghan: forgot to wear pants but did remember to put on her ugly hooker shoes

Melissa: has a Tori Spelling boob job

Britnee: made Brad open the limo door for her intead of letting Julio earn his paycheck

Stacy: doesn’t know who Brad is. And is a liar. No one goes on this show without having watched it before.

Brad greets all the girls and then follows them into the mansion to get to know them all better. The girls all cat call and clap when he enters. They continue to hike up their strapless dresses. And we hear for the 20th time how Brad has spent the last three years in therapy. Then he mentions Tenely’s ex husband and Chris L.’s mom who died in a rainbow. He finally ends his speech by begging some of the lunatics to leave. No one does so he breaks out the booze and declares it a party!

All the girls grill Brad about his true intentions and what he’s been doing for the last 3 years.

Brad: “I’ve been in therapy. Didn’t you hear me say it 50 times already? I was afraid to commit because of my dad but now I’m ready to get married.”

Ok ABC intern- time to give the girls a new script. This story line is getting old. Let’s have one of the girls sleep with a cameraman or something! At least that story was fun!

Chris Harrison brings in the first impression rose about half way through the night. Which strikes me as funny since that really isn’t what a first impression is. Then he sneaks back upstairs with one of the sluttier girls and a bottle of scotch.

Raichel tries to wax Brad’s arms. Renee keeps trying (unsuccessfully) to steal Brad away from any girl he is talking to. The vampire sits with Brad and scares the hell out of him before trying to suck his blood. Brad asks her if she is wearing fangs. It was probably the blood dripping off them and the worn paperback copy of “Twilight” sticking out of the back of her dress that gave her away.

Finally, after 20 impressions, Brad gives away the first impression rose to Ashley S. And that allows Chris Harrison to come back banging his champagne glass of doom.

Brad passes out the remaining 19 roses to Michelle, Kimberly, Madison, Emily, Raichel, Keltie, Ashley H., Meghan, Lisa M., Lindsay, Alli, Sarah P., Marissa, Britt, Stacey, Shawntel, Jackie, Melissa, and after Chris Harrison interupts to show off his mad counting skills, Chantal.

So that’s where we stand after week one of Brad Round 2. Nothing too exciting happened yet. But the previews promise us a season of crazy so I’m sticking around! Until next week...